The Metasploit Framework (MSF)
⚡ Prerequisites
Basic familiarity with Linux & Windows
Basic familiarity with TCP & UDP protocols
📕 Learning Objectives
Understand, install, configure and use Metasploit Framework
Perform info-gathering, enumeration, exploitation, post exploitation with Metasploit
🔬 Training list - PentesterAcademy/INE Labs
subscription required
MSF Introduction
🗒️ The Metasploit Framework (MSF) is an open-source pentesting and exploit development platform, used to write, test and execute exploit code.
Provides automation of the penetration testing life cycle (specially exploitation and post-exploitation)
Used to develop and test exploits
Has a world database and public tested exploits
It is modular, new modules can be added and integrated
It is open-source
Founded by H.D. Moore in 2003 (developed in Perl), Written in Ruby in 2007, acquired by Rapid7 in 2009, released as Metasploit v6.0 in 2020
Metasploit Framework is the Community Edition
Metasploit Pro & Express are Commercial versions
📌 Check the Metasploit Unleashed – Free Ethical Hacking Course by OffSec
Methods of interacting with the Metasploit Framework (msfconsole
, Metasploit cmd)
Pieces of code that perform a particular task (an exploit)
Exploitable flaw or weakness in a computer system or network
Code/Module used to take advantage of a vulnerability
Piece of code delivered to the target by an exploit (execute arbitrary commands or provide remote access)
Utility that listens for an incoming connection from a target
📌 Exploit is launched (takes advantage of the vulnerability) ➡️ Payload dropped (executes a reverse shell command) ➡️ Connects back to the Listener
🗒️ Metasploit Framework Console (MSFconsole) - an all in one interface that provides with access to all the functionality of the MSF.
🗒️ Metasploit Framework Command Line Interface (MSFcli) - a command line utility used to facilitate the creation of automation scripts that utilize Metasploit modules.
Discontinued in 2015, MSFconsole can be used with the same functionality of redirecting output from other tools into
and vice versa.
🗒️ Metasploit Community Edition GUI - a web based GUI front-end of the MSF.
🗒️ Armitage - a free Java based GUI front-end cyber attack management tool for the MSF.
Visualizes targets and simplifies network discovery
Recommends exploits
Exposes the advanced capabilities of the MSF
🗒️ A module is the piece of code that can be utilized and executed by the MSF.
The MSF libraries (Rex, Core, Base) allow to extend and initiate functionality, facilitating the execution of modules without having to write additional code.
Used to take advantage of a vulnerability, usually paired with a payload
Code delivered and remotely executed on the target after successful exploitation - e.g. a reverse shell that initiates a connection
Keep the payload sizes consistent across exploit attempts and ensure the stability of a payload on the target system
Is not paired with a payload, used to perform additional functionality - e.g. port scanners, fuzzers, sniffers, etc
Payloads are created at runtime from various components. Depending on the target system and infrastructure, there are two types of payloads that can be used:
Non-Staged Payload - sent to the target system as is, along with the exploit
Staged Payload - sent to the target in two parts:
the stager (first part) establish a stable communication channel between the attacker and target. It contains a payload, the stage, that initiates a reverse connection back to the attacker
the stage (second part) is downloaded by the stager and executed
executes arbitrary commands on the target
provides a reverse shell or Meterpreter session
🗒️ The Meterpreter is an advanced multi-functional payload executed by in memory DLL injection stagers on the target system.
Communicates over the stager socket
Provides an interactive command interpreter on the target system
MSF filesystem is intuitive and organized by directories.
Modules are stored under:
- user specified modules
Pentesting with MSF
🗒️ PTES (Penetration Testing Execution Standard) is a methodology that contains 7 main sections, defined by the standard as a comprehensive basis for penetration testing execution.
can be adopted as a roadmap for Metasploit integration and understanding of the phases of a penetration test.
The various phases involved in a typical pentest should be:
📌 Pre-Engagement Interactions
📌 Information Gathering
📌 Enumeration
Threat Modeling
Vulnerability Analysis
📌 Exploitation
Identify Vulnerable Services
Prepare Exploit Code
Gaining Access
Bypass AV detection
📌 Post Exploitation
Privilege Escalation
Maintaining Persistent Access
Clearing Tracks
📌 Reporting
Information Gathering & Enumeration
Auxiliary Modules, nmap
Vulnerability Scanning
Auxiliary Modules, nessus
Exploit Modules & Payloads
Post Exploitation
Privilege Escalation
Post Exploitation Modules, Meterpreter
Maintaining Persistent Access
Post Exploitation Modules, Persistence
Metasploit Fundamentals
🗒️ The Metasploit Framework Database (msfdb) contains all the data used with MSF like assessments and scans data, etc.
Uses PostgreSQL as the primary database -
service must be runningFacilitates the import and storage of scan results (from Nmap, Nessus, other tools)
Use APT package manager on Kali Linux (or on Debian-based distros)
at boot, start the service and initialize MSF database
to start the Metasploit Framework Console
Check the db connection is on in the
📌 Check this article by StationX ➡️ How to Use Metasploit in Kali Linux + Metasploitable3 which will cover:
Deploying a Kali Linux virtual machine with Metasploit pre-installed
Setting up a target in a virtual lab, Metasploitable3, with Vagrant
A sample walkthrough against a vulnerable MySQL Server
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
🗒️ The Metasploit Framework Console (msfconsole) is an all-in-one interface and centralized console that allows access to all of the MSF options and features.
It is launched by running the
Run it in quiet mode without the banner with
Module Variables
An MSF module requires additional information that can be configured through the use of MSF variables, both local or global variables, called options
inside the msfconsole.
Variables e.g. (they are based on the selected module):
- attacker's IP addressLPORT
- attacker's port number (receive reverse connection)RHOST
- target's IP addressRHOSTS
- multiple targets/networks IP addressesRPORT
- target port number
Useful Commands
and check these useful commands:
Port Scan Example
CVE Exploits Example
Payload Options Example
🗒️ Metasploit Workspaces allows to manage and organize the hosts, data, scans and activities stored in the msfdb
Import, manipulate, export data
Create, manage, switch between workspaces
Sort and organize the assessments of the penetration test
📌 It's recommended to create a new workspace for each engagement.
Create a new workspace
Change workspace
Delete a workspace
Information Gathering & Enumeration with MSF
The Metasploit Framework allows to import
Nmap Enumeration
enumeration results (service versions, operating systems, etc) can be exported into a file that can be imported into MSF and used for further detection and exploitation.
🔬 Check the full
information gathering lab in this Nmap Host Discovery Lab (at the end of the page).
Some commands:
Output the
scan results into an.XML
format file that can be imported into MSF
In the same lab environment from above, use
to import the results into MSF with thedb_import
Perform an
scan within the MSF Console and import the results in a dedicated workspace
MSF Auxiliary modules are used during the information gathering (similar to nmap
) and the post exploitation phases of the pentest.
perform TCP/UDP port scanning
enumerate services
discover hosts on different network subnets (post-exploitation phase)
Lab Network Service Scanning
Perform a network scan on the second target
Add the route within
and background the meterpreter session
Upload and run
against the second target, from the first target machine
📌 There are
running services on the second target machine.
UDP Scan
📌🔬 Check the Enumeration Section labs here for basic
Next, there are some MSF commands and modules for service enumeration on the same labs from the Enumeration Section.
Auxiliary modules can be used for enumeration, brute-force attacks, etc
❗📝 On every attacker machine, run this command to start msfconsole
Setup a global variable. This will set the RHOSTS option for all the modules utilized:
Remember to specify the correct port and if targeting a web server with SSL enabled, in the options.
Check the MySQL Enumerated data within MSF:
This module sets up SSH sessions
Vulnerability Scanning With MSF
MSF Auxiliary and exploit modules can be utilized to identify inherent vulnerabilities in services, O.S. and web apps.
Useful in the Exploitation phase of the pentest
🔬 Metasploitable3 lab environment will be used for the vulnerability scanning demonstration.
Metasploitable3 is a vulnerable virtual machine developed by Rapid7, intended to be used as a vulnerable target for testing exploits with Metasploit.
🔬 You can find my lab installation & configuration with Vagrant at this page, set up for educational purposes.
Kali Linux attacker machine must be configured with the same local network of the Metasploitable3 VMs.
Detect active hosts on the local network, from the Kali VM:
Run Metasploit:
Service version is a key piece of information for the vulnerabilities scanning. Use the
command inside the MSF
Manually search for a specific exploit
Check if there are any exploits for a particular version of a service
Check if a module will work on the specific version of the service
Use searchsploit tool from the Kali terminal, instead of
search MSF command
, by displaying only the Metasploit exploit modules
Back in
, check if the server is vulnerable to MS17-010
metasploit-autopwn - a Metasploit plugin for easy exploit & vulnerability attack.
takes a look at the Metasploit database and provides a list of exploit modules to use for the already enumerated services
On a Kali terminal
use theanalyze
command to auto analyze the contents of the MSFdb (hosts & services)
VA with Nessus
🔬 You can find my Nessus Essentials install tutorial here.
A vulnerability scan with Nessus result can be imported into the MSF for analysis and exploitation.
Nessus Essentials free version allows to scan up to 16 IPs.
Start Nessus Essentials on the Kali VM, login and create a New Basic Network Scan and run it.
Wait for the scan conclusion and export the results with the Export/Nessus button.
Open the
terminal and import the Nessus resultsCheck the information from the scan results with the
VA with WMAP
🗒️ WMAP is a web application vulnerability scanner that allows to conduct and automate web server enumeration and scanning from within the Metasploit Framework.
Available as a fully integrated MSF plugin
Utilizes the in-built MSF auxiliary modules
🔬 The lab is the same one from the HTTP Metasploit Enumeration section above - Metasploit - Apache Enumeration Lab
Load WMAP extension within
Add WMAP site
Specify the target URL
Show only the MSF modules that will be able to be run against target
Run the web app vulnerability scan
this will run all enabled modules against the target web server
Analyze the results produced by WMAP.
List WMAP found vulnerabilities
Since the allowed methods are
, exploit the vulnerability with the use ofauxiliary/scanner/http/http_put
module to upload a file into the/data
directory📌 A reverse shell payload can be uploaded and run on the target.
Test if the file has been uploaded correctly
Client-Side Attacks with MSF
A client-side attack is a security breach that happens on the client side.
Social engineering techniques take advantage of human vulnerabilities
Require user-interaction to open malicious documents or portable executables (
)The payload is stored on the client's system
Attackers have to pay attention to Anti Virus detection
❗ Advanced modern antivirus solutions detects and blocks this type of payloads very easily.
Msfvenom Payloads
- a Metasploit standalone payload generator and encoder
- generate a malicious meterpreter payload, transfer it to a client target; once executed it will connect back to the payload handler and provides with remote access
List available payloads
When generating a payload the exact name of the payload must be specified
target operating system
target O.S. architecture (x64, x86 ...)
payload type
protocol used to connect back (depends on requirements)
of Staged payload
of Non-Staged payload
Generate a Windows payload with
32bit payload:
64bit payload:
List the output formats available
Generate a Linux payload with
32bit payload:
64bit payload:
📌 Platform and architecture are auto selected if not specified, based on the selected payload
The transferring method onto the target system depends on the type of the social engineering technique.
A simple web server can be set up on the attacker system to serve the payload files and a handler to receive the connection back from the target system
To deal with a
payload, an appropriate listener is necessary to handle the reverse connection, themulti/handler
Metasploit module in this case
Download the payload on the Windows 2008 system (in this case my home lab VM) from this link
Run the
payload on the target
session on the attacker machine should be opened
Same example with the linux/x86/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
Linux payload executed on the Kali VM.
Encoding Payloads
Signature based Antivirus solutions can detect malicious files or executables. Older AV solutions can be evaded by encoding the payloads.
❗ This kind of attack vector is outdated and hardly used today.
May work on legacy old O.S. like Windows 7 or older.
🗒️ Payload Encoding involves changing the payload shellcode with the aim of changing the payload signature.
🗒️ Shellcode is the code typically used as a payload for exploitation, that provides with a remote command shell on the target system.
Excellent encoders are
Windows Payload
Generate a Win x86 payload and encode it with
The payload can be encoded as often as desired by increasing the number of iterations.
The more iterations, the better chances to bypass an Antivirus. Use
Linux Payload
Test each of the above generated payloads, like before
📌 Modern antivirus detects and blocks the encoded payload as soon as the download is started:
Injecting Payloads into PEs
🗒️ Windows Portable Executable (PE) is a file format for executables, object code, DLLs and others, used in 32-bit and 64-bit Windows O.S.
Download a portable executable,
WinRARPayloads can be injected into PEs with
with the-x
Transfer and run the
file to the target O.S.File description is kept, but not its functionality.
Proceed with the Post Exploitation module to migrate the process into another one, in the
Automation with Resource Scripts
Repetitive tasks and commands can be automated using MSF resource scripts (same as batch scripts).
Almost every MSF command can be automated.
e.g. 1
Automate the process of setting up a handler for the generated payloads, by creating a new
Load and run the recourse script in
e.g. 2
e.g. 3
📌 Load up a resource script from within the
with theresource
Typed in commands in a new
session, can be exported in a new resource script
Exploitation with MSF
HFS (HTTP File Server)
A HFS (HTTP File Server) is a file and documents sharing web server.
Rejetto HFS - free open source HTTP file server
SMB - MS17-010 EternalBlue
EternalBlue takes advantage of a Windows SMBv1 protocol vulnerability
Patch was released in March 2017
🔬 Check the Lab 2 - Eternal Blue here
Some MSF useful commands from my Home Lab (
Kali VM + Win 2008_R2 Server
Identify WinRM users with MSF and exploit WinRM by obtaining access credentials.
Default WinRM HTTP port is
and HTTPS5986
Apache Tomcat
Apache Tomcat
is a free open source Java servlet web server, build to host dynamic websites and web apps developed in Java.
Tomcat default TCP port is
Apache web server host HTML/PHP web apps, instead
Apache Tomcat <
is vulnerable to a JSP Upload Bypass / RCE
is an Unix FTP server.
is vulnerable to a command execution vulnerability
is the Linux implementation of SMB.
is vulnerable to a RCE vulnerability
is a C library that implements the SSHv2 protocol
default TCP port is22
v.0.6.0 - 0.8.0
is vulnerable to an authentication bypass vulnerability
is an open source high performance SMTP server developed in Node.js
default TCP port is25
other TCP ports are
Haraka prior to
is vulnerable to command injection
Post Exploitation with MSF
🗒️ Post Exploitation is the process of gaining further information or access to the target's internal network, after the initial exploitation phase, using various techniques like:
local enumeration
maintaining persistent access
dumping hashes
covering tracks
There are many post exploitation modules provided by the MSF.
🗒️ Persistence consists of techniques used by adversaries to maintain access to systems across restarts, changed credentials, or other interruptions.
🗒️ Keylogging is the action of (secretly) recording/capturing the keystrokes entered on a target system.
🗒️ Pivoting is a post exploitation technique of using a compromised host, a foothold
/ plant
, to attack other systems on its private internal network.
Fundamentals - Meterpreter
Facilitates the execution of system commands, file system navigation, keylogging
Load custom scripts and plugins dynamically
📌 MSF has various types of
payloads based on the target environment
🔬 Check the Meterpreter Labs for various
commands and techniques examples and how to upgrade shells to Meterpreter sessions.
Windows PE Modules
Windows post exploitation MSF modules can be used to:
Enumerate user privileges, logged-on users, installed programs, antiviruses, computers connected to a domain, installed patches and shares
VM check
🗒️ Windows Event Logs, accessed via the Event Viewer
on Windows, are categorized into:
Application logs
- apps startups, crashes, etcSystem logs
- system startups, reboots, etcSecurity logs
- password changes, authentication failures/success, etc
Clearing event logs is an important part of the system assessment.
🔬 Check out the Windows Post Exploitation with MSF Labs with post-exploitation techniques for various Windows services.
Linux PE Modules
Linux post exploitation MSF modules can be used to:
Enumerate system configuration, environment variables, network configuration, user's history
VM check
🔬 Check out the Linux Post Exploitation with MSF Labs with post-exploitation techniques for various Unix services.
Armitage - MSF GUI
🗒️ Armitage is a Java-based GUI front-end for the MSF.
Automate port scanning, exploitation, post exploitation
Visualize targets
Requires MSFdb and services to be running
Pre-packed with Kali Linux
🔬 Port Scanning & Enumeration With Armitage - lab by INE
Victim Machine 1:
Victim Machine 2:
Hosts - Add Hosts
Add victim 1 IP
Set the lab as
Victim 1
Right-click the target and Scan it
Check Services
Perform an Nmap Scan from the Hosts menu
Check Services
Search for
and launch the exploit module
Try Dump Hashes via the
registry method
Saved hashes can be found under the View - Loot menu
Browse Files
Show Processes
Setup Pivoting
Add, Enumerate and Exploit
Victim 2
Port forward the port
and usenmap
Remove the created localhost
Search for
and use thebadblue_passthru
exploit onVictim 2
Migrate to an
from the Processes tabDump hashes with the
lsass method
Armitage Kali Linux Install
Last updated
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