β This is a script to install BookStack on a fresh instance of Ubuntu 22.04 is available. This script is ONLY FOR A FRESH OS, it will install Apache, MySQL 8.0 & PHP-8.1 and could OVERWRITE any existing web setup on the machine. It also does not set up mail settings or configure system security so you will have to do those separately. You can use the script as a reference if youβre installing on a non-fresh machine.
# Download the script
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/BookStackApp/devops/main/scripts/installation-ubuntu-22.04.sh
# Make it executable
chmod a+x installation-ubuntu-22.04.sh
# Run the script with admin permissions
sudo ./installation-ubuntu-22.04.sh
# Set the VM IP as domain during the first run of BookStack
[1/9] Installing required system packages... (This may take several minutes)
[2/9] Preparing MySQL database...
[3/9] Downloading BookStack to /var/www/bookstack...
[4/9] Installing Composer (PHP dependency manager)...
[5/9] Installing PHP dependencies using composer...
[6/9] Creating and populating BookStack .env file...
[7/9] Running initial BookStack database migrations...
[8/9] Setting BookStack file & folder permissions...
[9/9] Configuring apache server...
Setup finished, your BookStack instance should now be installed!