Copy sudo apt install -y zsh fonts-powerline eza git-all
sudo chsh -s $( which zsh ) $( whoami )
Copy sudo sh -c '
apt update &&
apt install -y gpg &&
mkdir -p /usr/share/keyrings &&
wget -qO- | gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/gierens.gpg &&
echo "deb [arch=amd64 signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/gierens.gpg] stable main" | tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/gierens.list &&
chmod 644 /usr/share/keyrings/gierens.gpg /etc/apt/sources.list.d/gierens.list &&
apt update &&
apt install -y eza
Copy sh -c "$( wget -O- )"
# Confirm with y to chage the default shell to zsh
Install the desired plugins and themes.
Copy # Auto-suggestions
git clone ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-~/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/plugins/zsh-autosuggestions
# Syntax highlighting
git clone ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-~/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/plugins/zsh-syntax-highlighting
# Powerlevek10k Theme
git clone --depth=1 ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-~/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/themes/powerlevel10k
Copy ZSHRC = "$HOME/.zshrc"
# Set the new theme
sed -i 's/^ZSH_THEME=.*/ZSH_THEME="powerlevel10k\/powerlevel10k"/' "$ZSHRC"
# Replace the plugins line with the new plugins
sed -i '/^plugins=/ { s/=.*/=(command-not-found kubectl zsh-autosuggestions zsh-syntax-highlighting)/; }' "$ZSHRC"
# Add additional lines before sourcing oh-my-zsh
sed -i '/^source .* i \
# Fix errors\
# Skip all aliases in lib files\
zstyle ' \' ' :omz:lib:* ' \' ' aliases no\n' "$ZSHRC"
Set the same ohmyzsh
config for the root
user by symlinking the current user's zsh
Copy ROOTUSER = root
sudo mv ${USER_HOME_PATH} /.zshrc ${USER_HOME_PATH} /.zshrc.bak
sudo ln -sf $HOME /.zshrc ${USER_HOME_PATH} /.zshrc
sudo ln -sf $HOME /.oh-my-zsh ${USER_HOME_PATH} /.oh-my-zsh
sudo ln -sf $HOME /.p10k.zsh ${USER_HOME_PATH} /.p10k.zsh
sudo chsh -s $( which zsh ) $ROOTUSER
Copy # e.g. of my custom aliases
sudo tee $ZSH_CUSTOM /aliases.zsh > /dev/null << EOF
# Alias to update the system
alias updateos='sudo sh -c "sudo apt update && sudo apt -y upgrade && sudo apt -y autoremove"'
# OpenVpn Aliases
alias htbvpn='sudo openvpn --config ~/htb/htb.ovpn --daemon' # HTB FREE VPN
alias htbvipvpn='sudo openvpn --config ~/htb/htbvip.ovpn --daemon' # HTB VIP VPN
alias thmvpn='sudo openvpn --config ~/thm/thm.ovpn --daemon'
alias pwnxvpn='sudo openvpn --config ~/pwnx/pwnx.ovpn --daemon'
alias killopenvpn='sudo pkill openvpn'
# Additional Aliases
alias clipcopy='xclip -selection clipboard'
alias df='df -h'
alias diff='diff --color=auto'
alias dir='dir --color=auto'
alias egrep='egrep --color=auto'
alias fgrep='fgrep --color=auto'
alias grep='grep --color=auto'
alias h='history -100 -1'
alias history=omz_history
alias hl='history | less'
alias hs='history | grep'
alias hsi='history | grep -i'
alias hz=omz_history
alias ipa='ip -br -c a'
alias l='eza -lah'
alias la='ls -A'
alias ll='l -T'
alias ls='ls -lh --color=auto'
alias mobsf='docker run -it --rm --name mobsf -p 8000:8000 -v ~/docker/mobsf:/home/mobsf/.MobSF opensecurity/mobile-security-framework-mobsf:latest'
alias p3='python3'
alias ports='ss -lpntu'
alias python='python3'
alias sudo='sudo -v; sudo '
alias ugq='ugrep --pretty --hidden -Qria'
alias vdir='vdir --color=auto'
Copy # e.g. of my custom PATH
sudo tee $ZSH_CUSTOM /my_paths.zsh > /dev/null << EOF
# Add go to path
export PATH=\$PATH:\$HOME/go/bin