đ This can be done using the latest Rufus version to create a bootable USB drive with the preconfigured necessary bypasses and automatic local user creation on the bootable Windows 11 ISO.
At the first boot in OOBE (Out-of-the-box experience), select Region and Keyboard layout
On the "Let's connect you to a network" screen, press SHIFT+F10 on the keyboard to open the Command Prompt, type the following command and wait for the reboot.
After the reboot, click I don't have internet when asked to connect and Continue with limited setup.
Create a local default Windows 11 account and proceed.
Disable and answer No to all the Privacy Settings if not needed.
â The repositories above contain many useful and powerful scripts. Be sure to review them carefully before applying to your system, and do so at your own risk. â ī¸
Create a UpgradePackages.bat with the following content and run it to upgrade installed packages
@echo off:: Check for admin rights>nul 2>&1"%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\cacls.exe""%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\config\system":: If error flag set, we do not have admin rights, so prompt for themif'%errorlevel%' NEQ '0' ( echo Requesting administrative privileges...powershell.exe-Command "Start-Process '%~dpnx0' -Verb RunAs"exit/B):: Set the execution policy to allow local scripts to runpowershell -NoProfile -Command "Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser -Force":: Run the winget upgrade command and log the output livepowershell -NoProfile -Command "Start-Transcript -Path UpgradeLog.txt -Force; winget upgrade --all; Stop-Transcript":: Indicate completionecho All packages have been upgraded. Press any key to exit...pause
This is done to ensure VMware Workstation virtualization operates smoothly without any performance issues.
Memory integrity (hypervisor-protected code integrity) is a security feature of Core isolation that prevents attacks from inserting malicious code into high-security processes. Take your own risk by disabling it.
Run the command from an elevated Powershell to disable Hyper-V:
# Disables the Windows Hyper-Vbcdedit /set hypervisorlaunchtype offDisable-WindowsOptionalFeature-Online -FeatureName Microsoft-Windows-Subsystem-Linux,Microsoft-Hyper-V-All, VirtualMachinePlatformGet-AppxPackage-AllUsers *WindowsSubsystemForLinux*|Remove-AppxPackage-AllUsers
Run the command from an elevated Powershell to disable Memory Integrity and Virtualization-based security (Device/Credential Guard) via Registry:
Disable power throttling for the VMware executables
# Disables power throttling for the VMware virtual machine executable (64-bit version)powercfg /powerthrottling disable /path "C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware Workstation\x64\vmware-vmx.exe"# Disables power throttling for the main VMware Workstation executablepowercfg /powerthrottling disable /path "C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware Workstation\vmware.exe"
VMware tips
Delay the bios boot in a VM
# Add line to .vmx file:bios.bootDelay="5000"
Delete GRUB files from a Boot EFI partition in Windows
Run a cmd.exe process with administrator privileges
Run diskpart
Type: list disk then sel disk X where X is the drive your boot files reside on
Type list vol to see all partitions (volumes) on the disk (the EFI volume will be formatted in FAT, others will be NTFS)
Select the EFI volume by typing: sel vol Y where Y is the SYSTEM volume (this is almost always the EFI partition)
For convenience, assign a drive letter by typing: assign letter=M: where M is a free (unused) drive letter
Type exit to leave disk part
While still in the cmd prompt, type: M: and hit enter, where M was the drive letter you just created.
Type dir to list directories on this mounted EFI partition
If you are in the right place, you should see a directory called EFI
Type cd EFI and then dir to list the child directories inside EFI
Type rmdir /S ubuntu to delete the ubuntu boot directory
## These commands are used to identify and select the hard drivediskpartlist disksel disk 0## These commands are used to list the partitions, select the Boot EFI partition, ## then assign it a drive letterlist volsel vol 2assign letter=D:exit## These commands are used to change into the Boot EFI folder and delete the GRUB foldercd /d D:lsls EFIcd EFIlsrmdir /s ubuntu