mkdir -p ~/tcm/peh/ad-attacks/bloodhound
cd ~/tcm/peh/ad-attacks/bloodhound
sudo bloodhound-python -d MARVEL.local -u fcastle -p Password1 -ns -c all
# Result
INFO: Found AD domain: marvel.local
INFO: Getting TGT for user
INFO: Connecting to LDAP server: hydra-dc.marvel.local
INFO: Found 1 domains
INFO: Found 1 domains in the forest
INFO: Found 3 computers
INFO: Connecting to LDAP server: hydra-dc.marvel.local
INFO: Found 9 users
INFO: Found 52 groups
INFO: Found 3 gpos
INFO: Found 2 ous
INFO: Found 19 containers
INFO: Found 0 trusts
INFO: Starting computer enumeration with 10 workers
INFO: Querying computer: SPIDERMAN.MARVEL.local
INFO: Querying computer: THEPUNISHER.MARVEL.local
INFO: Querying computer: hydra-dc.MARVEL.local
INFO: Done in 00M 01S
# Files
Back to BloodHound interface, import all the json files via Upload data
cd /opt
sudo git clone
cd /opt/PlumHound
sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt
# Keep Neo4j Console and BloodHound started
sudo python3 --easy -p neo4jbh
sudo python3 -x tasks/default.tasks -p neo4jbh
Completed Reports Archive: reports//
Completed 114 of 114 tasks.
cd /opt/PlumHound/reports
firefox index.html
➡️ PingCastle - tool designed to assess quickly the Active Directory security level with a methodology based on risk assessment and a maturity framework
Run it from SPIDERMAN VM for example
Run a Healthcheck analysis
Open the ad_hc_marvel.local.html file and check for the domain risk score and results
Forest Druid
➡️ Forest Druid - free attack path discovery tool, natively compatible with Active Directory, that helps cybersecurity defensive teams quickly prioritize high-risk misconfigurations that could represent opportunities for attackers to gain privileged domain access
Purple Knight
➡️ Purple Knight - standalone utility that queries the Active Directory and Entra ID environment and performs a set of tests against many aspects of Active Directory’s security posture, including AD delegation, account security, AD infrastructure security, Group Policy security, and Kerberos security